ba ti no yi durer chon zaray,

bal maräyo.

kyah kara thovtham zara zaray,

bal maräyo.

shahmar zulfow nal wolham,

rūd afsānäy.

wyon wantą kam afsāna paray,

bal marayo.

dil khasta kärthas, nas kyah chhey,

ropa sänz shamsher.

kam sher märith khanjaräy,

bal maräyo.

sharmanda kärthas aftābo.

Qandharich zün.

käji chāni gäjisäy läjisa daray,

bal marayo.

anyi gatti väninam näni kathay

äm läl faroshan.

kani manz něyrän jowharay.

bal marayo.


hěsa vyěsarävthas maramatyo,

vyěsa kamo chhay.

tima säni khota chha sondaräy,

bāl marayo.

yeth lola bāgas zakhmi dil gul,

sarva chhu myon āh.

äshiväni säti joyi phiräy,

bal marayo.

chhum khafa läräy patta,

bläyäy brontha nalas thaph.

dāmāna ratay mahsharay.

bal marayo.


This separation from you,

I too can no longer bear

I will wither away young

What am I to do

You have made me this piteous

I will wither away young

Your snake-like tresses have entangled me

And this has become a tale

Now, what other tales would you like to hear

I will wither away young

My heart is shattere

By the straight, silver nose on your face

How many have died by the dagger of your beauty

I will wither away young

I, the full moon of Qandahar”, am ashame

Of your brilliance, my sun

Waiting, wilting in your remembrance

I will wither away young

In my ignorance, the precious stone-selle

Revealed the obvious to me

It is the rock that yields the gem

I will wither away young.

Selected poems of Rasul Mir with English translations

You have made me lose my bearings, my love.

Whom are you enamoured of?

Are they more beautiful than I?

I will wither away young.

Flowers in this garden of love are wounds of my heart,

My sighs sound like the swaying cypress.

With my tears, I will fill rivulets.

I will wither away young.

You are annoyed, I shall run after you,

And hold you by the collar of your cloak.

Grasp its hem on the day of resurrection.

I will wither away young.



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