Laktey maktey taarko,
Oh my tiny tiny dear stars
Ach wataan mandchaan chuko
Blining eyes you are feeling blushfullness
Kya karaan kati doh baraan
Disappered you are during daytime
Raath kyut sadras taraan
Suddenly appearing at the arrivalĀ of night time
Myeeth kya ach naath chaen
Very much sweet feels your twinkling
Rambwen chi chzaath chaen
Fine looking undoubly are your fellows(Other stars)
Traav nab wal youer was
Leave the sky and come here(Down to earth)
Ass te asi seet gind, bas
Laugh and cheer; and play with us
Tonti manz thavath jareth
Bird speaks to pick that star in beak
Roozhai mudyah kareth
Gazing you all night long
Zindagi hechnaav hath
Teaching you the character of life
Syeeth syeeth paknaavhath
Carrying you alongside mine
Laktey maktey taarko
Oh, small beautiful star
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