Zamaanay pok ne ham dam


Ghulam Hassan Sofi

Zamaanay pok ne ham dam toti kya gov
Tavai gei zulf barham toti kya gov

Mubarak zahida jannat cze aasen
Mea yud wei sheeri jahanam toti kya gov

Gasi nei saaf dil dete laaf saasa
Nateo chate aabi zam zam toti kya gov

Lekhith iblees sei az lei che laanath
Nebr yot draav aadam toti kya gov

Agar nei jazbei esaar aasi
Dohas par te ism e azam toti kya gov

Bashar tas peth gazal az boznavath
Cze nei saazas mea dekh sam toti kya gov

Nazar Asrar senz chei jaan baazas
Cze nei roozakh mea ham dam toti kya

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  1. Ifra Aijaz Zargar

    February 18, 2024 at 6:18 pm

    I am so grateful to you that you guys are working hard to write lyrics of old kashmiri songs. Our new generation loves these cultural songs but are unable to find their lyrics and meanings. I hope with time it gets easier and accessible to everyone. I just loved it and i wish you more success.

    • kasheer

      March 20, 2024 at 7:43 pm

      We are getting better everyday and upgrading the database. Thanks for commenting we will definitely try to add more lyrics in the coming time with the translations

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